佐賀牛・佐賀県産和牛 – Saga Beef –
- 柔らかい赤身の中にきめ細やかに風味ただよう脂肪が入った霜降り牛肉です。
- 黒毛和種の規格「5」等級と「4」等級のBMS「No.7」以上を佐賀牛と呼び、ブランドを確立しています。
- 肥育農家の熟練した技術から生み出される全国トップクラスの牛肉です。
Explanation about Saga Beef in English.
The ultimate taste―raised in Saga’s rich nature
Saga beef cows are raised in Saga’s beautiful mild climate, with clear water and fresh crisp air. In 2024, the beef brand was named “Saga beef”, welcoming its 40th anniversary, highly recognized from all over the world.
- Well-marbled meat
Marbling is the white streaks of fat in the red meat. It is a crucial factor when grading wagyu meat, since the fat carries the rich tase of the meat. Saga beef is well-marbled, with white flavourful streaks woven into the tender red meat that melts smoothly in your mouth. - Best selected wagyu beef
With its high standard quality, Saga beef has an evaluation criteria. Saga beef is selected from grade 4 and grade 5 black wagyu beef, the highest and second highest quality beef in the Japanese meat quality grading system. Plus, Saga beef needs to be above “No.7” of BMS, the Beef Marbling Standard, a standard used to scale the amount of marbling in the wagyu beef. It is a 12 level scale, No.12 being the highest, and No.1 the lowest. - Highly recognized brand beef in Japan
Saga beef cows are raised by passionate farmers with expert skills, making Saga beef as one of the best wagyu beef brand in Japan.
佐賀県産 肥前さくらポーク
- 豚肉独特の臭みが少ない。
- 肉のきめが細かいソフトな食感。
- じっくりと専用飼料で育てるため、肉色はさくら色。
佐賀県産 若鶏 骨太有明鶏
- カキガラを入れた独自の飼料で丈夫に育てています。(全飼育期間抗菌性物質を含まない飼料)
- 安全でヘルシーな高品質チキンです。
- 徹底した衛生管理のもと短時間で処理し、新鮮さにこだわっています。